Wednesday 24 July 2013

Day Three

Banks love minimising risk and my bank is no different.

Tomorrow, we’ll be driving 4WDs up the Cape to camp for three nights so we need to know how to handle these beasts on a dirt track when a ute comes flying around a corner out of control at your vehicle. No, really.

I’m all kinds of nervous as we sit through two hours of theory with driver trainer Peter Roggenkamp, showing some rather disturbing photos of previous accidents.

By the time we get to Cairns Showground for six hours of practical training, my legs are shaking. Roggenkamp puts us through our paces and we slam on breaks from speeds of 60, 70 and 80 k’s an hour then do it all again on a corner, then all again on a soaking wet corner.

I’m happy to report, we all passed. Yay!!


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