Tuesday 30 July 2013

Day Nine

On our way out of Aurukun, we drove past Lauren and Michael who were holding hands, skipping along the road for their first day of school. They’re going to be a big hit with the community!

Vit and I started the return journey to Cairns, which according to Google Maps is only a 16-hour journey, but we had a few stops to make first.

We made it to Lockhart River by early afternoon and caught up with Jim, Matt and Adam. The boys were already well into the swing of things, meetings here and there, sorting things out. I think they’ll also be a big hit with the community. Here's a peek of their new home which is conveniently also their office:

Matt and Adam are both coffee aficionados so imagine their excitement when they heard there was a coffee machine at Lockhart Airport! It was actually at Iron Range Cabins next to the airport (a project which Jawun secondees helped to scope out) and we all felt so chic having a coffee from a machine – imagine! 

If you ever find yourself in Lockhart River (!) I encourage you to stay at the Iron Range Cabins … they’re lovely. The surrounding area itself is really beautiful, with incredibly green bushland, and Chilli Beach is meant to be awesome (but I didn’t go there, I’m working you see).

The boys seemed to have everything under control, so we left and headed on to Coen so there wouldn’t be as much distance to travel tomorrow. 

According to the source of all truth, Wikipedia, Coen has a population of 253. That’s all I really have to else to say about Coen!

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