Friday 9 August 2013

Week Three

Now that I'm based in Cairns, my life involves a less than glamorous routine of home > work > home so I've moved from daily blogging to weekly. You're welcome :-)

My first week working in Cairns has been pretty much like my life in Sydney, except much hotter. The other main difference is the commute. I love the Manly Ferry but my five-minute Cairns commute might be even more awesome!

On the work front, my bank's lovely graphic designer has agreed to design CYLC's booklet which is fantastic! I've finalised the structure and pulled the majority of the content together, but I still need to interview a traditional owner about what it means to have a native title determination for their country. Hopefully that will happen next week, not sure if I'll need to head back up the Cape to meet them.

Kevin and I have also made friends with Brodie, a native title legal intern from Melbourne.

On the social front, my first observations of Cairns have been really positive.

There are some great restaurants: this week Divya (one of our secondees) had a birthday so we all went to Salt House for a drink, then Mecca Bah for dinner. We also made a very exciting discovery, that Sizzler is still open in Queensland, so continued Divya's birthday celebrations with some cheese toast. It was fabulous.

The people I've met so far are all friendly and relaxed, and they often say hello when they pass you in the street or on the Esplanade. I feel like I'm back home in Forster :-)

The Esplanade is fantastic for exercising. It inspired me to become a runner but after two days I have a sore knee so I've given that up. One night after work we ran from our apartments to the Esplanade Lagoon, swam a few laps and then ran back via a workout on the weird and wonderful exercise equipment. Great fun!

One of the additional benefits of a Jawun secondment, is that all your friends will want to come and visit!

Last weekend my friend Beth flew up and we spent a night in Port Douglas and then travelled onto the Daintree and Cape Tribulation. We also called into Mossman Gorge which is amazing.

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