Friday 2 August 2013

Day Twelve

My first shower back in Cairns went for so long that the water went cold, but I woke up this morning feeling fabulously clean (see ya later, pretty red dirt).

I was also a bit heart sore that my Cape York road trip was over. One part of me is wishing I was based remotely, the other part says I'm a woose who would never survive.

Anyway, I'm really lucky to have been given this opportunity so am determined to make the most of my experience in Cairns!

We’re staying at the City Plaza Apartments in two bedroom, one bathroom units with a little kitchen. When I moved on from London about five years ago, I thought I had moved on from flat sharing. 

So initially I was a bit put-off when I realised we'd be sharing, but after my trip around the Cape, that old “compared to what?” question now floats into my mind again. And guess what? I’m so thankful to have a lovely, clean apartment and feel so lucky I only have to share it with one person!

My new work BFF Kevin and I head to the Cape York Land Council (CYLC) office and it’s straight into briefings to get my project underway…

The Federal Government has announced a review of the role and functions of native title representative bodies (including CYLC) and native title service providers. This is to make sure that they continue to meet the evolving needs of the system, and particularly the needs of native title holders after claims have been resolved.

To help with CYLC's submission, I'll be putting together a booklet which promotes their achievements so far and sets out their future plans. Once this is in hand, I'll also set-up a newsletter template CYLC can use on a quarterly basis to keep traditional owners updated, and review the content of their website.

It's already Friday of the second week, so I've got my work cut out for me over the next four weeks.

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