Tuesday 27 August 2013

Week Six

As our six-week secondment sadly comes to end, we catch up with celebrity blogger Adam Easton to find out what's been happening in Lockhart River. 

Wow! In one word, that says it all about our time here in Lockhart River. It epitomises our triumphs and our challenges. Or as my colleague, Matt Galvin says: "just another day in paradise."

Lockhart River and its surroundings are simply beautiful. This was my office from time to time. Welcome to Quintell Beach at Lockhart River:

Or here...Welcome to Portland Roads Cafe view:

But before we had the luxury of spending quality time with our laptops we actually did some real work. Meet the board of directors:

Good old butcher's paper. As Rachael, who's seconded to Djarragun College in Cairns, said: "now that’s real work!"

We have met some great people and we have met some not so great people during our secondment. But it’s not the individuals that demand your attention. It’s the community. The challenges. The hope. The daily challenge for Indigenous communities like Lockhart River to have a ‘foot in both worlds’.

Our secondment was to work with the Kuuku Ya’u Prescribed Body Corporate (PBC). The PBC is the body required to be set up when a Native Title Determination is made. So it is the challenge of the PBC to manage the delicate balance of tradition with what is referred to as ‘white-fella ways’.

The challenge for us has been to work with the PBC and the diversity of Kuuku Ya’u members to look at the structural framework of the corporation.

But that’s all about work. We also managed to have some great experiences out on country with Elders. This place is known for its healing powers. It’s beauty alone gives you a sense of ease.

Then there was an end of secondment reunion with the Aurukun mob. Matt and I went to see Lauren’s impressive teaching skills in Direct Instruction. Our presence was enough of a distraction for the class so we didn’t get any photos of Lauren in action but here’s the school.

We didn’t get to see Michael in action but we are advised that he was off doing important things. Good on you Michael!

When Michael and Lauren finished doing their thing and we had a tour around the school it was time to get down to the real business of the excursion...all four of us headed off to the tip of Australia!

There was an incident on the way to tip but Michael has threatened violent repercussions if I tell. Let’s just say it was a Rookie Remoters moment.

Anyway, here’s Bramwell Roadhouse where we stayed Friday night.

Matt and Ant Hills....they are just huge!!

The most expensive crossing in Australia at $130 to cross the length of a football field.

The beautiful Seisia...

The equally impressive Punsand Bay...

And finally the ‘tip’ of Australia!!

Now I have to get this off my chest. This is ‘not’ the ‘tip’ of Australia. It is the tip of the Australian continent. Several islands tease you within sight as if to mock you and say "ha, ha, you didn’t quite make it." Anyhow, I’m over that now.

But as if to make up for the taunting of the tip, there was more paradise as we made our way back to Aurukun and Lockhart River.

Check out Fruit Bat Falls:

And Elliot Falls:

With all that out of our system it has been back to work this week putting the finishing touches on the last four weeks of work. Actually, to put the finishing touches on would require another four weeks. But the reports are written and we head back to Cairns tomorrow (Wednesday). Sob, sob. 

I’ve been trying to console Matt for hours. He says he was just on the verge of getting a Michel's Patisserie here and he can almost taste the coffee!

Warm regards from the beautiful Lockhart River.

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